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Gostaria de agradecer a todos os que tiraram alguns segundos do seu tempo para apoiar uma campanha que tentei vitaminar com a participação de brasileiros – a criação da Área Marinha Protegida de Chagos, território britânico do Oceano Índico. Hoje o governo britânico designou toda a área como reserva marinha sem exceções de pesca. É a MAIOR ÁREA MARINHA PROTEGIDA DO PLANETA, ultrapassando outras áreas sucessivamente designadas nos últimos anos pelos EUA e Kiribati (grandes e pequenos países, portanto, agindo em defesa do ambiente marinho independente de ideologia ou riqueza – nos EUA, foi o GW Bush quem designou as ilhas do noroeste havaiano como Santuário).
Quem dera os semi-analfabetos e aproveitadores políticos que dominam nossos órgãos ambientais no Brasil do presente aprendessem alguma coisa com o que acontece no mundo lá fora. Um dia, quem sabe, passamos da demagogia vazia pra ação efetiva. Temos de seguir peleando, e no momento comemorar que em algum outro lugar do planeta, mais área marinha está protegida.
 | |  | | | | Visit our website... For the latest news please visit our campaign site: www.protectchagos.org The website is packed full of information, photos and videos, as well as the latest news on the campaign. Join us on Facebook... We’re one of the most popular conservation Facebook pages in the UK, with over 6,200 fans! Join them today to stay in touch and show your support. Join our page | | We did it! David Miliband today designated the Chagos as a no-take marine reserve. This declaration will make it the largest marine protected area in the world, totalling more than 210,000 square miles - an area twice the size of the UK. The combination of tropical islands, unspoiled coral reefs and adjacent oceanic abyss makes this area comparable in global importance to the Great Barrier Reef or Galapagos Islands. As a fully protected marine reserve, all extractive activities, such as industrial fishing and deep sea mining will be prohibited. This decision will safeguard the rich diversity of marine life found in the Chagos. More than 275,000 people from over 200 nations and territories, as well as many leading scientific and conservation organisations, sent messages in support of full protection of the Chagos Islands and their surrounding waters. Thank you so much for being one of them! Research indicates that 90 percent of large fish species have been wiped out over the past five decades by commercial fishing, and the hunt for what remains continues unabated. No-take marine reserves are scientifically proven to be an effective tool to protect and restore marine ecosystems and the species they support. The waters around the Chagos are by far the richest marine ecosystem under UK jurisdiction. They have the largest and some of the most diverse undisturbed reefs in the Indian Ocean and are home to the world’s biggest living coral structure – the Great Chagos Bank - with over 220 coral species (almost half the recorded species of the entire Indian Ocean) and more than 1,000 species of reef fish. Once again, thank you so much for supporting this campaign. Following pressure from the Chagos Environment Network and others, the government has made a truly historic decision and set a new global benchmark for responsible ocean stewardship. But we couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you! www.protectchagos.org
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