quarta-feira, 11 de maio de 2011

Orgulho de ser.........

Human Development Index - 2010    0,765
Life expectancy at birth - 2010    76,7 years
Population suffering from malnutrition - 2005    below 5 %
Calories consumed - 2005    2.923 Kcal/day
Population with access to potable water - 2008    100%
Population with access to sanitation - 2008    100%
Literacy rate of persons 15 years of age or over - 2007    97,90%
Gross enrollment rate in all school levels - 2007    90,90%

Human Development Index - 2010    0,775
Life expectancy at birth - 2010    75,7 years
Population suffering from malnutrition - 2005    below 5 %
Calories consumed - 2005    3.004 Kcal/day
Population with access to potable water - 2008    97%
Population with access to sanitation - 2008    90%
Literacy rate of persons 15 years of age or over - 2007    97,60%
Gross enrollment rate in all school levels - 2007    88,60%

Human Development Index - 2010    0,699
Life expectancy at birth - 2010    72,9 years
Population suffering from malnutrition - 2005    6%
Calories consumed - 2005    3.094 Kcal/day
Population with access to potable water - 2008    97%
Population with access to sanitation - 2008    80%
Literacy rate of persons 15 years of age or over - 2007    90,00%
Gross enrollment rate in all school levels - 2007    87,20%

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